Davy was approached by George Mullen, architect/artist/visionary, and developer Brian Caster to help envision their solution towards transitioning San Diego’s growing unhoused population into permanent jobs, homes and communities. Sunbreak Ranch is their concept for a 5000-bed tent facility planned for a vacant, undeveloped parcel on the east side of Interstate 15 at MCAS Miramar. The Ranch would contain social service providers, healthcare facilities, accommodations for single women, single men and families, mess tents for meals, an RV park, single-tent campground and much more. They see it as a centralized hub for intervention, or “triage” as they put it to us, to get the unsheltered off the streets, provide immediate medical and mental healthcare, counsel them and set this challenging population on a path towards self-sufficiency and success. The third member of the Sunbreak Ranch group is noted local activist and former basketball great Bill Walton . Together, they have made their case in print media and on television. Now, through our design efforts, they have an actual plan for what their vision might be. Davy is excited to serve a role in addressing the pressing need to help our homeless.